July 2021 Message from Pastor Greg

Worldview Stew: The Attempt to Blend But Nor Contend!

During my days in the US Army, occasionally I (along with every other “soldier” who had the same classification as me) was assigned to guard duty. That meant being a watchman for one 24—hour day. Since I was stationed at Fort Knox, it wasn’t as if there was any sort of national security risks involved. To a certain extent, it almost seemed to be waste of time. However, we were told that if we would be re—assigned to overseas duty, the sense of urgency would be different. The risks might be real and relevant there.
Since that time, I’ve come to realize that guard duty isn’t something that’s only required for individuals connected to some type of physical protection. Every person who claims to be a faithful follower of Christ has been assigned to the task of guard duty: keeping watch for the spiritual well—being and security of one another (our brothers and sisters in Christ).
From a biblical point of view, this task/duty for those within the Lord’s family of faith has always been important, but in our current culture, it’s becoming increasingly essential and needed. In view of this, as a pastor—teacher, I believe God’s Word calls me into the role of being a watchman on the wall, and that requires me to use caution and care as I try to discern when it becomes important to send out a warning signal to point out something that might be spiritually dangerous or destructive.

Jude 3—4a Beloved, in my diligence to write to you about the salvation we share, I now feel an urgency to write and exhort you to contend and defend the faith that was once for all time entrusted to the saints. For certain ungodly false teachers have crept in unnoticed …

Please notice what I’ve inserted here from Jude 3—4. At that time in biblical history, there were false teachers who had gained some popularity among those within the Church. Jude warned his readers about this by exhorting them to enter the battle for Truth by engaging these false teachers and exposing their lies.
Earlier I mentioned that part of my role as a watchman on the wall involves using discernment in knowing when to say something and when to keep quiet. I’d like to clearly state that I don’t enjoy or become excited about being one who points out what might be dangerous, destructive, or deceptive. But it’s essential that everyone within the Church becomes aware of the subtle and suggestive ideas that could harm our spiritual health. In our culture today, those who teach these things have become more and more aggressive. It seems that the more aggressively something is marketed as “the latest and greatest novelty,” the less likely it is for people to examine it biblically. Think about it: “Who wants to be constantly ridiculed as a gatekeeper for Truth in a world where Truth is unpopular?” Defending the faith is a role that very few want because it’s become increasingly difficult. And based on what Jude teaches us, it’s a task that each of us shares. We’re all involved in this battle of contending for the faith and defending the Truth! Actually everyone within God’s family has the responsibility of watching out for one another. I’m very happy to share this role with all who want to use biblical discernment to strengthen our testimony for the Lord.
I’d like to close with a couple questions for each of us to consider—questions that help us clarify our role.
—1— What’s the #1 source for my view about what’s right and wrong? —what’s acceptable/unacceptable?
—2— How much does the Bible inform me about how to live my life? How much does our culture teach me?
—3— How serious am I about taking my turn on the guard duty roster and watching out for the spiritual welfare of my brothers/sisters in Christ around me?

With prayer for God’s glory and praise for His grace …
And as always, with prayer for our ACEFC family, Pastor Greg

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