March 2022 Message from Pastor Greg

This is a Trustworthy Statement That Deserves Our Full Acceptance
And Careful Attention: Our Hope Is Found When It’s Fixed On The Living

It’s very likely that most of us would acknowledge that many events and experiences from the past two years have been “unusual and unexpected,” as well as “challenging and chaotic.” I won’t bother to make a list of what’s taken place, but I’ll summarize by saying the overall level of fear and anxiety has impacted our lives and ministries. But recently the news cycle has been saturated with rumors and predictions of war and now we know that Russia has attacked Ukraine. Obviously, this has raised the rate of worldwide concern over the impact of war. How should we respond and react? Proverbs 21:1 reads, “The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes.” God isn’t caught off guard by anything that happens. It’s hard for us to understand how all this works or fits together, but He has placed every leader in the world in the role they have. It’s essential for us to recognize that we worship and serve a sovereign God! (There’s more about this later!)
Last week Franklin Graham sent out a prayer request asking people to pray for Vladimir Putin. Sadly, Graham was attacked by many, even some pastors and Christian leaders. They questioned whether Putin was worthy of our prayers. That illustrates how our secular society has lost sight of what God desires from those of us who are authentically following Christ. Please note what Paul wrote years ago to instruct the Church. All of us should be praying for those who are in authority, as well as for those who are affected by what’s happening in the places of conflict, strife, and war around the globe. 1 Timothy 2:1—4 exhorts us to pray by saying, “As a top priority, then, I urge that appeals and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings be made on behalf of all people, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, Who desires all people to be saved and to come the knowledge and understanding of the Truth. Prayer should never be a last or final resource—it’s a top priority! We should be praying for those in authority throughout the world, as well as those who are leading both our government (local, state, and national) and the Church. Pray for wisdom and for God’s message of Truth to change lives!
Finally, I want to address the fear and anxiety that’s having such a large impact on most everyone within our society. Earlier in this article, it was noted that we serve and worship a sovereign God Who is never caught off guard. Not only is He absolutely aware and alert with regard to what’s taking place, in some manner that’s beyond our human understanding, His plans and purposes are being carried out in a perfect way. Please consider Romans 8:28 where we’re encouraged by these words of Truth, “We know that God orchestrates all things to fit together for good for those who are called according to His perfect plans and purposes.” During times like we’re facing throughout our society, culture, community, country, and the whole wide world, those of us who have totally trusted in the Lord’s promises and provisions can rest assured that “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands!”
Our hope is built on the Truth of God’s Word, the Trustworthiness of God’s Worth, and the Triumph of Christ’s Work when He died, arose, and ascended into Heaven as our Lord and Savior Who’s coming back to rescue us from the future wrath/tribulation to come!

With prayer for God’s glory and praise for His grace, Pastor Greg

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