September 2021 Mission of the Month- Nikki Tetschner with CRU

Answered Prayer: 

     My summer role with Cru was to coach 4 interns as they raise support to serve with Cru a second year.  A week ago 2 of those girls had a LONG way to go to finish by August 1.   I remember praying with 3 other coaches that God would do a small miracle and allow these girls to finish on time.  They both finished on time with extra support in their accounts!!!

     All summer I’ve seen God answer very specific prayers.  One day Anna K and I prayed that she’d get 25 referrals over the course of a week.  The next day one person gave her 35.  That same week Anna E and I prayed that God would show us people she had forgotten to ask or ideas for support that we hadn’t thought of.  The next day one of the gals in our group sent a text asking if everyone had remembered to add what they had leftover from last year to their goal.  Anna had forgotten and jumped about 20 percent overnight.  I don’t want to forget how God showed up for these girls and provided for them time and time again.  I’m encouraged to share that 3 of the girls have reached their goal and reported to their campus and the last girl is at 96% and was given a short extension.  I’m ending this coaching role encouraged in my walk with the Lord and excited to start the fall with faith and confidence that the same God who proved faithful this summer goes with me into my roles this fall. 

School is starting:  

Hastings and Doane started classes this week and the rest of the schools we are at will begin next week. At Hastings 300 flyers about Cru were handed out and 25 students said they were interested in talking to someone about Jesus.  

Prayer Requests

-Pray for students as they return to campus.  Pray for Christians to grow in their faith and reach out to others.  Pray for those that don’t know Jesus to have an opportunity to hear about Him and that they would choose to follow Him.

-We have a new team member who will be interning with us this year.  Pray for Elizabeth to adjust well and have a fruitful year.   

-Pray that lives would be changed across Nebraska.  

-Pray for energy and wisdom for me as I navigate as a momma, wife and Cru staff member.  

-Pray that our staff and students would stay healthy.  

Personal update:

-Andy and I celebrated our 11year Anniversary.

-Hannah started 4th grade and Ty started preschool this week.  They both are loving it. 

-We haven’t had any new heart issues with Hannah.  Praise the Lord. 

Thank-you so much for your faithful support and prayers.  I’m excited for this year and look forward to sharing how God continues to move in the lives of college students in Nebraska and around the world. 

With joy,


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