July 2020 Elder’s Report

Headshot of Ted Parish

How are we doing? These are very unsettling times we are going through to say the least. The last two months have been very difficult for our family.

Three funerals and the death of our beloved cat have added to what was already a difficult time with the virus and the unrest throughout the country. I understand a lot of people are wondering where God is in all this. Why is he allowing this to happen?

I believe the Bible tells us where he is and always will be. He is on the throne and in control. He knows everything we go through and is there for us always. Aren’t you glad that you can go to him at any moment, every day of our lives? Thank you, Jesus.

God’s ways and wisdom are far beyond what we can comprehend. The Bible reminds us of that as well. So, what do we do when he seems distant (which of course he is not)? Draw closer. Rest in him. He does not withdraw from us; we do from him. The chaos and confusion of this world is toxic for our souls. We are bombarded with the things of this world and our focus becomes horizontal and not vertical. There are some great examples of what we should do and should not do in the trying times recorded in scripture. King Saul panicked when Samuel was late to provide an offering before the Israelites went into war, so he did it himself, breaking God’s commandment. Saul was not a man after God’s heart like David was. He was not connected. You know how his life turned out. Even Elijah, the great prophet ran for his life in fear when threatened by Jezebel. If it can happen to him, it can and does happen to us. God had him stand on the mount before him and he witnessed a great wind, an earthquake, and fire, but the Lord was not in any of them. Only in a low whisper did God speak to him and ask what he was doing. Only then did God reassure Elijah as to who was in control and give him his charge.

We need to listen for that low whisper and stay connected with God and each other. Let us put down our phones, shut off our computers, and pick up The Book. He deserves our undivided attention.

What a joy it has been to get back together the last three Sundays. Thanks to Pastor Greg, Pastor Blake, and Lisa for their messages and lessons during the last few months. And thanks to Rob and Jen for providing the music the last two weeks and to Ken and Nichole for the beautiful music they have provided for us during our time away. I cannot forget Frank and Kayde for all they have been doing to make this happen. Forgive me if I am forgetting others. It is exciting as our ministry teams and small groups start to get back together. I know we have all really missed that. Let us stay the course and stay connected. Better days are ahead.

1 thought on “July 2020 Elder’s Report”

  1. Cathie A Donaldson

    Thank you Yes. I appreciate those words of encouragement. Pray for son Geoff. They have a new baby coming in about 5 wks. and we are not allowed to see them for quite a while, for sure, 2 wks after our grandson is born. Thank you.

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