March 2020 Reflections from Pastor Greg

Following Christ By Following His Word!

One of the first songs learned in Sunday School when I was a young child was this chorus: “The B—I—B—L—E, … Yes that’s the book for me! … I stand alone on the Word of God, The B—I—B—L—E!!!”
This song taught me a very simple truth that has the power to change lives, and at the same time, it’s also a truth that has been attacked and suppressed throughout history. But, here at ACEFC, we hold the Bible in the highest regard because it’s how God has revealed His will, His ways, and His wisdom to us.

Here are a few interesting quotes about the Bible for you to enjoy:

  • “The genius of the Word of God is that it has staying power; it can stand up to repeated exposure.” —-Howard Hendricks
  • “The Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible.” —-D. L. Moody
  • “A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t.” ― Charles H. Spurgeon
  • “It is not the things which I do not understand in the Bible which trouble me, but the things which I do understand.” —Mark Twain (who often mocked God)
  • “The moment you come to a passage of scripture and say, ‘Oh, I know this one already,’ you’re in deep trouble.” —-Howard Hendricks
  • “Satan can easily defeat the ignorant believer, but he cannot overcome the Christian who knows his Bible and understands the purposes of God.” ―Warren W. Wiersbe
  • “So the real question confronting you now is: ‘How can I afford not to be in God’s Word?” —-Howard Hendricks

Most everyone who’s had even a tiny exposure to me would realize that I love the Bible and I’m energized by the precious privilege of teaching, preaching, or reaching out to explain what God’s Word says. Each and every day I’m humbled by the opportunity to point others to the truths of God’s Word. Please carefully read and observe the inserted scriptures from Psalm 119 and John 17 and try to think of how they are relevant to your life. As I conclude this article by trying to shed a glimpse of light on how much we value biblical truth and teaching, here are a few questions we should occasionally ask ourselves to help us continue to experience and enjoy the benefits of God’s written message to us.
1) Where do I tend to turn when I need wisdom and clarity in my need to respond to life’s challenges?
2) Am I regularly finding encouragement and guidance from God’s Word?
3) What are some biblical passages that I’ve hidden and treasured in my heart to help me follow Christ faithfully?
4) What are some biblical texts that are particularly special to me?
5) Are my devotions a duty, a difficulty, or a desire that I look forward to doing each day?
6) How can I ever afford not to be in God’s Word?
Let’s encourage one another to maintain a faithful consistency in finding value in God’s Word. Without this, our spiritual lives will become more and more vulnerable to the suppression of truth that controls our society!
As always, with praise for His grace and prayer for His glory, Pastor Greg

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