December 2020 Mission of the Month—Forest Lakes District Our Church Affiliation

Forest Lakes District of the EFCA 

We Are Better Together! 


We exist to strengthen our member churches so that together we may multiply transformational churches among all peoples. 

Our strategic values: 

•Connect: Create environments for relationships. 

•Equip: Offer resources and training. 

Multiply: Support the multiplication of disciples, leaders and churches. 

Our VISION is to enable multiplication by: 


The foundation of everything we say or do is our personal relationship with all pastors and lay leaders in the District. 

•Personal contacts between District staff and pastors/lay leaders 


•Consulting and coaching 


•Staff issues (hiring, evaluating, compensation, etc.) 

•Disciple-Making, Leadership Development, Elder Training 

•Crisis Intervention and Conflict Management 

•Conferences, Retreats, Special Events 


•Church Health Assessment 

•Visioning and vision casting 

•Pastoral Health (Ministry Support Program) 


•Placement Services (including interim pastors, pulpit supply) 

•Credentialing (licensure and ordination) 


The Forest Lakes District is VALUE DRIVEN: 

In all that say or do, the FLD is driven to provide value to local churches as they seek to fulfill their mission. The idea of being “driven” brings to mind being compelled, forced, pressing ahead, relentless exertion, setting in motion, energized, determination, no detours, and mission accomplished. Value is taken from the Latin verb; “to be worth”. Value is further defined as “relative worth, utility or importance; degree of excellence; something intrinsically valuable or desirable.” We are value driven. 

We are value driven: 

•To build relationships with and between churches, pastors and leaders that … 

•To offer or recommend resources that … 

•To help maintain or refocus the efforts of the local church so that … 

•To fulfill our responsibilities in a way that … 

enhances the leadership and ministry of each pastor, leader and church member toward the fulfillment of the Great Commission. 

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