December Elder Report

headshot of Rob Fox

Rob Fox: Sharing Our Faith

Recently, I have been thinking of the sharing of my faith, and ours as followers of Jesus, and what benefits that has for God, and for us. It really has a profound benefit for both of us.  God advances his Kingdom that way, leading to His joy and great pleasure in His creation.  And so it is that He commands us “go and make disciples of all nations…” And, He promises He will be with us always in that effort.   

What do we gain from sharing our faith?  More than just obedience to His command.

In Paul’s letter to Philemon, he writes to win Philemon’s acceptance of Onesimus back “no longer as a slave, but better than a slave, as a dear brother.” (v 16)   Paul opens with prayer “that you (Philemon) may be     active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.” (v 6)   Wow!  Sharing our faith benefits us, leading to a fuller understanding of God’s provision in Christ. 

To be sure, when we share our faith, we want to be able to be accurate in our depiction of our faith, and that same faith’s life changing potential for the person with whom we share. In short, we need to prepare our           testimony.  In this way, we will have greater understanding of every good thing He  provides—by being in God’s Word, and knowing His message.  We benefit by studying God’s Word, strengthening our faith, in the very preparation to share our faith.  But there is something also less evident about what Paul’s prayer says—is there a benefit just by the very act of sharing?  How does it make you feel when you share your faith?

I really feel the Holy Spirit’s presence as I share.  How near God is at that very moment!  Isn’t that a benefit and just one of the many good things we have in Christ? It is a blessing to have that opportunity and responsibility and very activity of sharing our faith.   What an encouragement to know that by sharing our faith, we will have a fuller understanding of every good thing that he desires for us in Christ.

Do you see, as you seek to know God more closely, He has given us the gift of sharing our faith! By sharing, He will provide us with greater understanding of every good thing in Christ.

This season is a great time to share our faith.  His Kingdom will grow, as God multiplies His followers, and He will be glorified.   For family, friends and acquaintances, this season affords us a bit of grace in sharing a        spiritual message.  Let’s make time to take advantage of that good will in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Every good thing comes from our Holy Creator—our dear unsaved friends will be more open to receiving the  Message. The power of the Holy Spirit which lives in us, is boundless.  Share your faith freely, accurately, passionately, confidently, and often. 

Sharing in God’s Blessings


1 thought on “December Elder Report”

  1. Rob,
    Your message of sharing our faith is so important. How can we not share when we are filled with the joy of knowing our precious Lord?

    Jenny and I wish you and all members of Appleton Community Church a very Merry Christmas!

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