“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” —2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV)
Giving: An Act of Worship
At Appleton Community EFC, we believe giving is a key part of serving and honoring the Lord. We also believe giving stretches beyond finances and into the time we dedicate to helping others. Check out and prayerfully consider the many ways you can support our Church.
We do not “pass the plate” during our worship service, but we do believe giving is a key part of worship. The Giving Box is located at the back of the Worship area.
You can also give online or in-app by using our secure site.
Amazon Smile
Purchasing something on Amazon.com? Visit smile.amazon.com and select Appleton Community Evangelical Free Church as the charity of your choice. With each purchase you make, Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to Appleton Community EFC.
Donating your time
As faithful stewards of God’s grace, we believe God has given each of His followers unique gifts to serve Him. Whether you have a passion for teaching kids, helping organize church events, lending a helping hand to those with physical ailments or praying for our church body, we invite you to get involved and connected with our church body. Ready to serve? Contact us and we’ll connect you with a ministry leader.